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愛知県立豊田北高等学校 | スクール・ポリシー
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1 目指す生徒像(生徒育成方針、卒業までにこのような生徒を育てます)

○ 将来を見据えて学問を積み、自己実現への一歩を踏み出すことができる人
○ 自らを重んじ相手を思いやり小さな命を大切にする、温かな心をもつ人
○ 仲間とともに困難を知恵と勇気で乗り越える、折れない心をもつ人
○ 世界を視野に多様な生き方を認め変化に対応する、柔軟な心をもつ人

2 本校における学び(教育課程の編成、このような学びができます)

○ 才能ある者が集まり、夢を語り刺激し合い、自らを磨く日常
○ 集団の規律を大切にし、マナーを身に付ける生活
○ 3年間の見通しを立てて、粘り強く取り組む授業
○ 小中学校との連携を含め、成長を実感できる英語活動
○ 協働の喜びを味わい、本校の伝統と特色を知る学校行事1
○ 自ら設定した壁を越えるべく、仲間とともに心技体を鍛える部活動

3 入学を期待する生徒像(生徒募集方針、このような生徒を求めます)

○ 学問の道は平坦でなく、仲間と切磋琢磨して乗り越える意欲のある人
○ 部活動を含めた、生活のリズムを大切にしようとする人
○ 自主自立に向けて、自らを高める意欲のある人


Aichi Prefectural Toyota Kita Senior High School
School Policies

  1. Graduation Policies
    We expect students to
    • devote oneself to studies for one’s future and take a step toward self-realization
    • have a warm heart, respecting oneself and others and treasuring one’s life
    • have resilience, wisdom and courage to overcome difficulties with one’s friends
    • take the world into consideration, accept various ways of life and cope with changes flexibly

  2. Curriculum Policies
    Students will
    • gather, talk about one’s dreams, stimulate one another, and improve oneself in daily lives
    • value group discipline and learn manners in daily lives
    • have a prospect for three years in high school and keep studying persistently in class
    • have a real feeling of an improvement in one’s skills in English activities including cooperation with elementary and junior high school
    • experience delight of collaboration and learn the ToyoKita’s tradition and features in school events
    • train spirit, techniques and physical strength with one’s friends in order to achieve goals of one own setting in club activities

  3. Admissions Policies
    We desire students who
    • are motivated to study hard by competing with one another and overcome difficulties because there is no easy way to learn
    • try to value one’s daily rhythm including club activities
    • are motivated to improve oneself in order to be independent and self-reliant