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ナビ模試 - 英語 問題






英語 - 制限時間 30分 全問選択式


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名前: 掲載される場合があります。


1. 下線部が同じ発音の単語を選択せよ。

1. He plays baseball with his friends now.

looks practices enjoys likes

2. I opened the window for him.

asked visited worked loved

2. 次の(  )に入る適切なbe動詞を選択せよ。

1. You (  ) very kind to me at that time.
am is was were
2. My father and mother (  ) very busy last Monday.
am is was were
3. There (  ) a boy in the park yesterday.
am is was were

3. 次の各文の(   )に入る適切な単語を選択せよ。

1. I didn’t (   ) part in the game.

make take talk ask

2. You can (   ) this book for a week.

feel fall keep look

3. You’ll (   ) this computer very interesting.

touch type play find

4. 次の文はTaroがMrs.Whiteを訪問したときの会話である。この文を読んで問いに答えよ。

Taro : Do you work, Mrs. White?
White : Yes, I do.
Taro : ( A )
White : I work at a library from Monday to Friday. On Saturday I work at an old-age home as a volunteer and help old people.
Taro : Oh, you work even on Saturday. Why do you work for those people as a volunteer?
White : Because it is important for us to work for the people who need assistance. Everyone becomes old sometime or other. ( B ) Nancy also helps them.
Taro : Did you tell Nancy to help them?
White : No, I didn’t. ( C )
Taro : That’s great. But I think helping old people is a tough work.
White : You are right. But I’m very happy when they meet me with a smile. And old people have many experiences. They know a lot of things. So I learn many things from them. Taro, did you have such an experience?
Taro : No, I didn’t. I’m now interested in volunteer works. While I stay in this town, ( D )
White : O.K. Let’s go together next Saturday.この経験はあなたにとって、とても重要なものになるだろうと思います

1. 対話の流れに合うように( A )〜( D )に入る最も適切な文を次のア〜クの中から1つずつ選べ。

ア. She knows what she should do.
イ. We must know each other.
ウ. She is too busy to help them.
エ. I want to visit the old-age home with you.
オ. So we should help old people when we can help them.
カ. She knows what old people should do.
キ. I’m also helping old people.
ク. Where do you work?

( A )
( B )
( C )
( D )

2. 下線部の日本語を正しく英訳した文を選択せよ。

I wil think this experience had been be a very important thing for you.
I wil think this experience is a very important thing for you.
I think this experience will be a very important thing for you.
I think this experience looks like a very important to you.

5. 次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えよ。

We live in ‘the Computer Age’. Computers are so useful that they are ( use ) in many places and for many things today. They are liked by many people. They are ( give ) us a lot of useful information now. They can answer very difficult questions faster and better than we. But it is not easy for them to decide what we like.
One day Emi and her sister Rie received a letter from a department store. It said, “Our computer will decide the best bag for you from more than one thousand bags”. They were very happy, because they wanted a new one for their school trips. They were also interested in computers. Their mother told them to buy only one bag for both of them. They needed to tell the department store their ages, the size they liked, and so on. After two weeks they received a bag. But they were not happy with it. They did not buy it.
Next Sunday they went to a bag store. After looking at many bags, Emi found a nice one with beautiful flowers on it. She said to Rie, “I like this design. I like its colors, too. What do you think, Rie?” Rie answered, “It is too small to put everything in. ( 1.nice 2.I 3.is 4.it 5.don’t 6.think ).” At the second store, Rie found a bag which had various stars on it. She showed it to Emi. But Emi said, “Rie, we are not boys. Only boys like that design.” At last, at the next store, they bought a nice bag.
When we decide what to buy, we have many things to think of. There are still some things that we can do better than computers. Before computers are able to decide what we like, they have to learn more.

1. 本文中の( use )を適切な形に変えた単語を選択せよ。

using used to use for used

2. 本文中の( give )を適切な形に変えた単語を選択せよ。

given gived giving give to

3. 下線部の(  )内の語句を並び替えて英文を作るときに正しい順序を選択せよ。


4. 本文の内容と一致するものを、次から2つ選択せよ。

1. Computers can do everything better than we.
2. We do not have to think of many things when we decide what to buy.
3. Emi liked the design and the colors of the bag which she found at the first bag store.
4. Emi and Rie bought a bag with various stars on it at the second bag store.
5. We can do some things better than computers.


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