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Meiji-jingu Forest is a very beautiful forest in Tokyo. About eight million people visit the forest every year. Old people, young people, children and people from other countries enjoy walking there. The forest looks natural, but A it is not a natural forest. Many years ago, a plan to make the forest was made, and most trees there were planted by people.
About ninety years ago, some scientists made a plan to make a forest with broad-leaf trees like oaks. They wanted to have a forest like a natural forest in the future. Natural forests in Tokyo usually have broad-leaf trees like oaks because B they grow well in the climate of the city. These forests are everlasting forests.
Some people did not understand the plan made by the scientists. These people had a different idea. Their idea was to make a cedar forest. They thought a cedar forest was more beautiful. But the scientists thought C their own plan was better because the climate of Tokyo was not good for a cedar forest.
The scientists wanted to plant oaks, cedars and many other different kinds of trees. Why did they want to plant cedars, too? To answer this question, we need to know that some trees grow fast and some trees grow slowly. If different kinds of young trees are planted, the forest can always have some kinds of tall trees. The scientists wanted to have a forest like this.
The scientists wanted to plant about 120, 000 young trees, but they did not have money to buy them. They asked people all over Japan    D    . About 95,000 trees were given by many people. A new train line was made to carry them. In 1920, 11, 000 young people came, and they finished planting all the trees.
The scientists thought the forest was going to look like a natural forest after many years. When the plan was made, there were already some pine trees there. Those pine trees became tall first. Then cedar trees began to grow, and soon the forest had a lot of tall cedar trees. After that, broad-leaf trees like oaks began to grow and some cedar trees died. Now the forest has a lot of broad-leaf trees, and it looks like a natural forest. The scientists were right.
We have this beautiful Meiji-jingu Forest now because the scientists thought about the future and made a great plan about ninety years ago. We often think about today or tomorrow. But we also have to think about the future. E This is not easy, but we know it is really important when we think about Meiji-jingu Forest.

(注) Meiji-jingu 明治神宮 plan 計画 plant 植える broad-leaf 広葉樹の oak かしの木 future 将来 grow 育つ climate 気候 everlasting 永遠の cedar 杉 kind 種類 tall背が高い pine松

問1 下線部分Aについて,なぜそのように言えるのか,第1段落の内容に沿って具体的に日本語で書きなさい。


問2 下線部分Bは何を指しているか,最も適当なものを,次のア?エから一つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。

ア broad-leaf trees like oaks
イ everlasting forests
ウ natural forests
エ trees planted many years ago

問3 下線部分Cについて,科学者たちがこのように考えた理由を,具体的に日本語で書きなさい。


問4 文中のDの中に入る最も適当なものを,次のア?エから一つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。

ア to carry trees from an everlasting forest
イ to come and plant trees in an everlasting forest
ウ to cut down trees in an everlasting forest
エ to give them trees to make an everlasting forest

問5 下線部分Eの内容を,具体的に日本語で書きなさい。

問6 文中ではcedar,oak,pineの3種類の木が,どのような順序で成長し,Meiji-jingu Forestの中心となってきたと述べられているか。その順序として最も適当なものを,次のア?エから一つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。
ア oak → pine → cedar
イ pine → oak → cedar
ウ cedar → pine → oak
エ pine → cedar → oak

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